It began when
Alexander started to behave like a Persian king, expecting his courtiers to
prostrate themselves before him – a royal greeting that was alien to
Macedonian culture. This was so unlike the familiar Alexander that when he
first ordered his entourage to bow down to him, his court scribe Callisthenes thought he was joking and refused. Everyone realized Alexander was
deadly serious when he had the man arrested and killed. The king was
also growing increasingly paranoid. He had his cavalry commander Philotas executed on the merest suspicion of disloyalty and ran his replacement Clitus through with
a spear for daring to criticize him.
Alexander’s officers
quickly learned to keep quiet, but the rank and file of the Macedonian
infantry came close to mutiny in the late summer of 326 BC. They had
conquered much of the western Punjab, but the Indian campaign was taking it
toll. In the stifling monsoon heat, when the king ordered the army
deeper into the subcontinent they refused to go. The infantry commander Coenus confronted
Alexander with his troops’ verdict that it was a pointless war, and Alexander
reluctantly backed down.

When he returned to the Persian city of Susa (see >map) Alexander began to purge the Macedonian army in retaliation for their conduct in India. He demobilized half the Macedonian infantry, ordered them home and replaced them with a contingent of Persians. Incredibly, three quarters of Alexander’s soldiers were now Persian and when the Macedonian infantry protested, he threatened to deploy the Persians against them and had thirteen officers executed for mutiny. Meleager survived the purge but he must have felt his position, even his life, to be under threat. Alexander needed what remained of his Macedonian infantry until he reached Babylon, but he had plans to replace them all. It seems that Meleager had every reason in the world to wish Alexander dead.