Graham’s Books in Print
3500 years ago strange things suddenly began to happen throughout the world - bizarre, simultaneous events that have never been explained. After living in relative peace for centuries, civilizations across the earth - in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas - were suddenly overwhelmed by an epidemic of mass violence. Some civilizations, such as the Harappans of the Indus Valley and the Megalithic culture that built Stonehenge, mysteriously ceased to exist entirely. At the same time old gods were abandoned and new religions abruptly appeared. What was happening around 1500 BC? The End of Eden reveals the comet that changed civilization and irrevocably altered the course of history.
The End of Eden – US and UK edition: Bear & Company 2007. Tanslations: Hermes (Bulgarian), Wydawnictwo Amber (Polish).
Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World – US and UK edition: Bear & Company 2005.
Historical evidence for the existence of Merlin and a Dark Age sea voyage to North America. Graham presents compelling evidence that the legend of Merlin was based on the life of an historical figure – the last of the Romans to rule the island of Britain. Ultimately, Graham examines the legend that Merlin sailed off to Avalon, a mystical land said to lie far across the western seas. In an eighth-century Irish manuscript, he finds evidence that this story was based on an historical sea crossing to North America a thousand years before the time of Columbus.
The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant – US and UK edition: Bear & Company 2004. Foreign translations: Newton & Compton (Italian), Editorial Planeta (Spanish), Madras Editora (Portuguese), Nokta Kitap (Turkish). Remedium (Czech and Slovak), Hermes (Bulgarian), Eurasia (Russian), Metaekdotiki (Greek).
According to the Bible the Ark of the Covenant was a golden chest made to contain the Ten Commandment tablets. In this book Graham proposes the Ark was a genuine historical rartifact that was eventually hidden and still lies buried. This is the true-life search for the Lost Ark - a modern quest leading to the discovery of what may be one of the original tablets of the Ten Commandments.
Alexander the Great: Murder in Babylon – English edition: HB Virgin Publishing, 2004. Foreign translations: Colori (Polish).
In 323 BC, in the ancient city of Babylon, Alexander the Great died of a mysterious illness at the very height of his power. What killed him has remained one of history’s most enduring mysteries. In Alexander the Great: Murder in Babylon Graham presents new forensic evidence to show that Alexander was poisoned by a member of his own court. This real-life historical detective story is a dramatic murder mystery involving conspiracy, power-play, jealousy, violence, and sexual intrigue, before - after more than two millennia - the assassin is finally revealed.
The Moses Legacy - UK editions: HB Sidgwick & Jackson 2002, PB Pan 2003. Foreign translations: Sperling & Kupfer (Italian), Tirion (Dutch), Xepmec (Bulgarian).
According to the Bible, Moses first communed with God on the mysterious Mount Sinai, also called the Mountain of God. It was here that he saw the burning bush, received the Ten Commandments, and learned the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant. In The Moses Legacy we search for the historical Moses, the forgotten location of the Mountain of God, and finally discover what may have been the sacred staff with which he is said to have parted the Red Sea.
The Marian Conspiracy - UK editions: HB Sidgwick & Jackson 2000, PB Pan 2001. US edition: The Virgin Mary Conspiracy, Bear & Company 2005. Foreign translations: Newton and Compton (Italian), Amber (Polish), Sankosha (Japanese), Clássica Editora (Portuguese), Editorial Planeta (Spanish), Livani (Greek), AST (Russian), Remedium (Czech).
Do the Vatican’s secret archives contain evidence of a medieval cover-up concerning the final days of the mother of Christ? This is the quest to discover the truth about the life of the Virgin Mary, and to solve one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in Church history: the real location of Mary's tomb.
Act of God - UK editions: HB Sidgwick & Jackson 1998, PB Pan 1998. US edition: Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt: Bear & Company 2003. Foreign translations: Heyne (German), Sperling & Kupfer (Italian), Bertrand Editora Lda (Portugese), Tirion (Dutch), Asahi Shimbun (Japanese), Trivium Konyvkiado (Hungarian), Rebis (Polish).
A bizarre tomb, almost 3500 years old, is discovered in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Unlike other Egyptian tombs, built to keep robbers out, this was built to keep someone or something trapped inside. This remarkable find leads to astonishing new evidence concerning the biblical Exodus: The plagues of the Egypt were real historical events caused by the largest volcanic eruption in the history of civilization.
The Chalice of Magdalene - UK editions: HB Century 1995, PB Arrow 1996. US edition: The Chalice of Magdalene, Bear & Company 2004.Foreign translations: Heyne (German), Sperling & Kupfer (Italian), Edhasa (Spanish), Tirion (Dutch), Bertelsmann (Polish).
In 1995 Graham’s discovery of an artifact that may have been the true Holy Grail created headlines around the world. This is the inside story of the remarkable adventure leading to that discovery. The Grail is identified, not as the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper, but as an alabaster jar said to have been used by Mary Magdalene to collect Jesus’ blood when he was crucified. Following a series of enigmatic clues, Graham discovers the hiding place of the Grail deep in a labyrinth of caves in central England.
Robin Hood: The Man behind the Myth (with Martin Keatman) - English edition: HB Michael O’Mara 1995. Foreign translations: Heyne (German), Temas `de Hoy (Spanish), Piemme (Italian).
Since the Middle Ages Robin Hood has been exiled to the realm of myth. Now Robin Hood: The Man Behind the Myth uncovers historical records proving that the infamous outlaw did in fact historically exist. The reason that no one seems to have discovered this astonishing evidence before is that the real Robin Hood lived during a different time and in a different place than depicted in the popular legend. We discover the birthplace of the fabled archer, the forest location of his exploits, identify the true Sherriff of Nottingham, and ultimately find Robin’s long forgotten grave.
The Shakespeare Conspiracy (with Martin Keatman) - English editions: HB Century 1994, PB Arrow 1995.
The historical facts concerning Shakespeare’s his life reveal many strange paradoxes. While the records from the theatrical world in London show that he was working as an actor and playwright, those from his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon show that he was simply a grain merchant. Nowhere in the contemporary records of Stratford-upon-Avon is there a single reference to Shakespeare being a dramatist or writer of any kind. Some researchers have suggested that Shakespeare was not the author of the works attributed to him. The Shakespeare Conspiracy uncovers a more sinister reason for the playwright’s strange double life: he also worked as a government spy.
The Green Stone (with Martin Keatman) - UK editions: HB Spearman 1982, PB Grafton 1984. Revised edition: Immanion Press, 2019.
Following the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, a sacred stone that had once belonged to Mary Queen of Scots was hidden in the English Midlands. The clues to its whereabouts were left in paintings in a crumbling Elizabethan manor. In The Green Stone, Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman tell the full story of how this four-century-old cryptic code was solved, leading to the discovery of the mysterious relic buried in a casket in the tranquil countryside of central England. But this was not end. The stone was said to possess strange, supernatural powers.
Graham Phillips identifies a historical figure behind the legend of King Arthur, and searches for his capital city and his long-lost tomb.
He presents compelling evidence that the Arthurian legends were actually based on real events. During a quest lasting over twenty-five years, Graham has followed a fascinating trail of historical clues showing Arthur to have been a living warrior who led the Britons around the year 500. He has discovered that the legendary Camelot, Excalibur and Avalon were based on a real city, a real sword and a real island. And, most astonishing of all, with the help of archaeologists employing the very the latest scientific equipment, Graham has found what he claims to be the location where Arthur was finally buried.
The Lost Tomb of King Arthur – US and UK edition: Bear & Company 2016.
Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge - US and UK edition: Bear & Company, 2019.
The original purpose of Stonehenge is one of the world’s great unsolved mysteries. In Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge, Graham argues that, with stones aligned to the sun, stars, and positions of the moon, stone circles were not just astronomical calendars, as some scholars have proposed, but were part of an elaborate system to determine precise timings necessary for the cultivation of medicinal plants. He presents compelling evidence that Stonehenge was built as an ancient healthcare facility, and that its creators had developed natural remedies for aliments and diseases which still thwart modern medicine - possibly even a cure for cancer.
In Strange Fate, the authors search for an ancient artifact called the Heart of the Rose. Hidden for over a hundred years, it is said to have the power to influence fate. Led by weird visions, enigmatic guides, and a series of bizarre coincidences, they must solve the mystery of strange temples on the estate of a Victorian mansion, follow a trail of cryptic clues left in old paintings, and uncover the incredible history of a nineteenth-century secret society, to find the relic before time runs out.
Although it defies belief, this extraordinary account is based entirely on actual events.

Dramatic archaeological evidence has revealed the remains of a sunken land to the north of Great Britain that supported an advanced civilization 1000 years before those in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or India. Remembered in Celtic legends and referred to by geologists as North Doggerland or Fairland, this civilization began at least as early as 4000 BCE but was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels, huge tsunamis, and a terrible epidemic released from melting permafrost during a cataclysmic period of global warming - a catastophe that may be about to repeat as temperatures continue to rise. Graham shows how, when the last vestiges of Doggerland sank beneath the waves around 3100 BCE, its survivors sailed to the British Isles where they established the Megalithic culture that built Stonehenge.
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