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The Chalice of Magdalene
The House of the Lord

The stained-glass window depicting the four gospel authors in the corner of Hodnet Church. (Please click on the image for an enlargement of the window.)
The next reference seemed to answer the question. Psalm 135, verse 2, began: Ye that stand in the house of the Lord. The house of the Lord surely referred to a church, so Graham made his way to the Hodnet parish church.

Remarkably, the next four verses seemed to be telling Graham exactly what to do. Psalm 118, verse 19: Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them. He entered the church.
St. Luke’s Church in the village of Hodnet, the location of the final clue.
Once inside, Graham consulted the next reference. Psalm 142, verse 4: I looked on my right hand and beheld. So he turned to face his his right.

The following verse again seemed to be a specific instruction. Psalm 123, verse 1: Unto thee lift I up mine eyes. Graham looked up to find himself staring up at a stained-glass window depicting the four gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Three verses remained. Psalm 118, verse 22: The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner. The head cornerstone was directly above the extreme right of the figures in the stained-glass window: the image said to depict the gospel writer St. John.
The penultimate verse seemed to confirm that this was exactly where Graham should look.
Psalm 119, verse 114: Thou art my hiding place and my shield. Had the Marian Chalice, an ancient holy relic believed to have been the Holy Grail, really been hidden in Hodnet parish church? The last reference in the list seemed to suggest so.
Psalm 116, verse 13: I will take the cup of salvation.